This is my before AHHHHHH!!!!!
This is my after, it's a little better. Let's face it sugar is
obviously not my friend, but I'll keep chiseling. Remember
I'm a Work In Progress:)
Okay so here's why all the exposure. I hope I didn't send you running. Two of my favorite things have come together. . . Being healthy and making money! For almost 6 months now I have been doing P90X (I'm still working on the diet part)It is one of the hardest workouts I have ever experienced and I have loved every moment. It beats my body into submission, and I am feeling stronger than I have since having children. These workouts have allowed me and my workout group to make some major changes, while having the kids around. I talk about it every chance I get, because I love it, love it, love it, so I figured if I'm talking about it anyway. . . Well I have become an online coach, and I am so excited about it so I thought I would share. I get to motivate others to get excited about being healthy and fit. It is really what I am most passionate about. This is about feeling beautiful and being beautiful. Whether you're looking for a way to make time to exercise, or make some extra money or both at the bottom of my blog is the video, if you're interested or you can visit my website Whatever the case I thought you should be the first to know:) I know I sound like a commercial, but if I didn't totally believe in it I wouldn't share it.