Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Okay so I finished as of Saturday last week. Cardiovascularly, I am feeling incredible...almost as good as soccer shape. Now I told you about the first half of INSANITY, and I'm not gonna lie, it was tough, tough, tough!!! But the second half HOLY MOLY!!!
Day 1 of month 2- Fit Test plus Max Interval Circuit...WHAT THE?!!! That's 90 minutes by the way, and by the end I literally had nothing left. I left it all on the floor by the puddle of sweat.
Day 2 OOHHHH! It's only an hour, oh well... that makes everything okay then. WHATEVER PEOPLE! 90 minutes or an hour it all feels the same by the end. I don't care who you are! When they say MAX intervals, well...that means you give it everything you've got with as many as you can muster out of your exhausted body! So of course, I wouldn't disappoint myself I GAVE IT ALL!!!
By the end of the week, I was drained, completely and totally drained, but I gotta say I slept like a baby:) Or rather a teenager who could sleep til' noon...anyway. I slept great, but was very grateful for Sunday where I had an excuse to do nothing, but eat. Did I mention that my appetite has been nearly impossible to satisfy?!
I am very happy to report that each week got progressively better though. Even though I was pushing to my max, I could feel the improvement with each week...so cool to recognize and feel the change by the way.
So I am finished with the 60 day series, but I am not putting it away just yet. I have created a P90X-INSANITY hybrid (3 days a week of weights, and 3 days a week of cardio). I have missed Tony because I heart him too, and my weights. As much as I LOVE cardio, it's the weights that sculpt the muscle that burn the fat. Yes, INSANITY does do strength training, but it comes purely from your own body weight.
What a journey it has been. Keep pushing play...life is good:)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I have now had a sugar binge for the last 3 days. Now I'm talking throw-it-all-to-the-wind-who-cares-how-many-calories-it-is kind of binge. Why do I confess this? Because I have no idea what my problem is! Sugar addiction is definitely a possibility. Stress could also be a factor, or maybe it's the relentless pressure I put on myself on a regular basis. Whatever the reason, I sometimes wonder how people do it. I read things all the time about how to enjoy Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas without the guilt. Tips always include things like eat Jolly Ranchers instead of a Snickers bar. Now who in this world enjoys Jolly Ranchers over a Snickers bar...Seriously?!
Now that brings me to another topic GUILT! What is it?
- The state of having committed an offense
- Remorse caused by feeling responsible for some offense
- Guilt is a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person realizes or believes - whether justified or not - that he or she has violated a moral standard, and is responsible for that violation. It is closely related to the concept of remorse.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guilt
Remorse, I actually felt remorse for having committed a perceived offense. HA! Offense? Eating candy and treats is bad in my mind! It really is. Where in my world did this belief actually manifest itself? I go to bed disappointed in myself. I ask myself questions like: Why is it so hard for you to just not eat it? Why can't you be strong like so and so, or so and so? And then I really get harsh, You'll never look like that if you do this!!! And do you want to know what all of that creates, more guilt, and self-loathing, and then more binging. It's a vicious cycle and it's not worth it!
Now before you all get all theraputic and weird on me, I'm just making a point. I felt all those feelings, it's true. After eating mounds of candy tonight I really felt bad, and guilty, and full of remorse, especially knowing I "failed" again after I told myself I would be strong today. And then I read a story. It was a story Tanner picked for bed time. It could not have been a better pick for that moment. It was an easy read, something Tanner will probably be able to read by the end of kindergarten if not sooner, but it made a very good point. It was about a Panda bear who was happy, until he met all these other animals that told him he looked funny. So the Panda changed himself to look like each of the animals that said he looked funny. He made ears like an elephant, a tail like a lion, and a jacket like a zebra. Then he ran into another Panda and realized he was perfect just as he was. So simple, right?
The guilt comes from the gazillion advertisements about what the "perfect" body looks like. Or statements like "guilty pleasures" Why does a candy bar have to make me feel guilty? It's just a pleasure! Or it may even come from people that can do workout videos like INSANITY. I'm not gloating here, again I'm making a point...
We are all striving for OUR best. So this guilt stuff has got to stop! Be your best you. One step at a time, and one thing at a time. I will never be perfect at everything, but today I will be perfect at one thing. Today I woke up, read my scriptures, and said my morning prayers. I have not done that for an embarassingly Loonnnngggg time. But today I was perfect at it:) And it felt wonderful. By comparison my binge today means very little in the whole scheme of things. I just bet my panda looks just like yours, and I realized I am perfect just as I am...
Here's to OUR BEST life
Sunday, November 1, 2009
FUN!!! I'd do it in a heart beat:)
Young or old Life is meant to be enjoyed!