Monday, March 23, 2009

My Nemesis!

So I have been working my butt off lately!!!! And I gotta say I was exhausted. I have been trying so desperately hard to get the oh-so-coveted six pack! So every calorie has been monitored before I put it to my lips. I did this for about 2 weeks straight. But I gotta say I was STARVING!!!! I know, I know, eat then right. Well I was trying to create a calorie deficit of about 500 calories in order to lose one pound of body fat a week, well because I have been working out so HARD, my body was screaming at me "I'm Hungry, you need more calories!" And of course, because I think I am more strong-willed than my body (HAHAHA) and that I don't really NEED more calories because it's just in my head, I denied it thinking... "I gotta get the abs, I gotta get the abs!" Despite the fact that I know if you don't get enough calories it does the opposite. Well my body answered back and gave me a horrible cold with body aches and forced me to slow down. I then took a long hard look at myself and realized, the body gives us signals for a reason. When it's hungry you feed it. When it's tired you rest it. And when that little voice in your head Tells you you're a failure, you can tell it to go to HELL! Excuse the french, but honestly that little voice has been ruthless, lately. It would be so nice if I could applaud the victories and ignore the failures. I am definitely my own worse critic. Now for all of you rolling your eyes. I want to make one thing perfectly clear. I DON'T THINK I'M FAT! That is not what this is about. I, more than anything, just want to see if I can do it. I have had the six pack goal for a long time, and I'm sick of having it on my dream board and not making it a reality. I eat really good actually, but perhaps not enough, so I've upped the "good" calories because I've been bonking like crazy. My nemesis A.K.A. sugar or cryptonite stands between me and those abs and I don't know how to stop the cravings, and that one little piece of chocolate they tell you to eat and savor, is practically swallowed whole, and becomes a small mountain of little pieces of chocolate. So then I beat myself up, and the cycle starts all over the next day. The rationalization that I look fine and this one little piece of sugar won't kill me, and then the SUGAR MOUNTAIN UGHHHHH!!!! There is nothing more frustrating to me than to work-out sooo hard and burn a ton of calories and then ruin it with sugar. I'm so close to my goal. I need help. I am open to suggestions. I've done the once a week thing, but I just end up eating double the mountain, and I always have a few slip-ups during the week. Nighttime is the worst. I get munchy and I always want something sweet after dinner. I've tried brushing my teeth, drinking water, chewing gum, munching on vegetables (I mean vegetables....sugar, hmmm which one would you choose). What do I do?


  1. If you figure it out, let me know! I'm with you...I can NEVER have just ONE piece of chocolate. It's all or nothing for me.

  2. wow, you are AMAZING! Don't beat yourself up about it though. You are healthy and if you feel good, that is what matters right? I don't know what to tell you because as you have been witness to, I still have 30lbs of weight to lose so I certainly am not one to give advice in that area. Best of luck to you though! You are one tough cookie!

  3. You are so funny. I love reading your little rants. My advice is to go ahead and tell that voice to go to hell. Moderation in all things, including sugar and exercise.

  4. ha ha ha, Lyenna. I am 74 years old and I am still going through the same thing. It must be part of a woman thing!!! I could tell you a few things that have assisted me but I know that none of it will be knew. I have found eating about six times a day keeps me from getting hungry and if I plan ahead on what to eat then it is easier to not eat the "junk" I have one article here that says "I Am Samarter Than a Cookie." I posted it and thought that would solve my problem but I find if I go too long and let myself get hungry then I am not smarter than a cookie. I might just as well take the sign down. Lovve ya. Grandma Roush

  5. I love chocolate! I did the south beach thing once for 2 weeks and then totally caved and ate a bunch of crap. I felt so horrible afterward because I was doing so good, but then realized if I can't ever eat it then I need to try something else. Of course I haven't figured out what that something else is yet. But when you figure it out, let us know and I want to see pictures of your six pack!!

  6. I'm in the same boat as Tina on this one, you know what I look like. But I'd take your own advice: "Moderation in all things" That includes working your body to death over a tiny bit of belly fat. I know it's because you like to push yourself to achieve a goal and not because you think your fat, but it seems to me that the result is the same.
    Please don't get me wrong, I really admire your drive and will power. I wish I had that same motivation to do things that are hard.
    You look fabulous!

  7. I'm also an all or nothing girl. but when I went on the cleanse I was able to go 21 days with out sugar well aside from a few cheats! I just told myself I was lucky to have the little bit I was allowing and I'm in control not my stomach so I stopped... I'm not sure if that will help you or not but it did me. Always be positive it really does help! :)

  8. Pick a treat that you enjoy, but not nearly as much maybe? I can't really say anything, I don't have a six pack either (and its been on my list since high school.)
    I have to fight the self critic in me too. Why are we so damned mean to ourselves?
    Seriously, I'm 32 and I've had 3 c-sections. What is to be done about this nasty, chubby, warble skin overhang?! Probably not much.
    I finally decided that the only way I'm gonna have a six pack is if I add a plastic surgeon to my work out regime! :)
    He can give me a great rack while he's at it too! Ha! ... and a new bellybutton, and a nose job and teeth whitening and laser eye vision.... and anything else I decide I want if I can ever afford it.
    But that's just me, and I'm the devil. ;)

  9. Lyenna, you are so cute! I want to get a six pack too, but I am addicted to chocolate. I love your blog! Your before and after pictures are great. Keep up the good work. I miss working out with all the ladies.

  10. Your looking good to me! I know I would do a whole lot better if I made wiser choices on food. The bad stuff just tastes yummier!

  11. I might be the only guy leaving a message but I think a 1 pack is just fine. Just as long as you can still keep up with the kids on the play ground, or run circles around your brothers playing soccer, your doing just fine.

