Tuesday, August 25, 2009

When Dreams Become Realized

I have discovered something about myself on my journey to a more fit life. That ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! This is me, stretch marks and all. And you know what... I'm okay with that:) I am okay that every inch of me is flawed. I never thought I would say that.

I have been working really hard for a long time, but it is only recently I have been able to put it ALL together. I realized that life is not a perfect science. It's not about depriving yourself, or overdoing, or underdoing things. If I could express what is going on inside me... Today I took a picture, not realizing what it would look like, but when I saw what I looked like I cried WITH JOY! I have been working so hard in all aspects of my life. I have started a business that has had me in tears, and has had me laughing, and excited, and crazy. I exercise because I love the way it makes me feel. I am doing this business because I know I have more to give then what I've been giving. I have made some amazing friends that I wouldn't have made without Beachbody. I think these last few weeks I have been on an emotional roller coaster. What am I trying to say? I hate when I can't get my thoughts down.

I guess what I'm saying is I love what I'm experiencing right now. This isn't necessarily about losing weight, or getting great abs, or being able to run 50 miles. Getting fit has taught me that dreams are possible. That I can do anything! That we all can do anything! That everything I've always had on a pedestal can be realized. That if I am putting my priorities in order that I am blessed. That challenges in life are so worth it even when they feel ridiculously hopeless.

I love Beachbody for giving that to me. And for showing me that anyone can do it, even me! I don't want to sound like a commercial, but I just wanted to tell you that this journey I'm on is incredible. I am making my goals happen, and so far I am thrilled with the results:)

So far my dream wall is working on me, while I'm working on it. Amazing...


  1. Can I just say I love this line... That if I am putting my priorities in order that I am blessed... When I read that it just struck me how true it is. I've often felt that we have it in us to be happy with what we've got or be able to make our lives better, we just have to do it. I think I am going to even make a priority list to read everyday. Thanks! love your blog! :)

  2. wow! i didn't realize how much my emotions are not under control until i read your blog and bawled in happiness at your success and know i can get there too. you seriously should become a motivational speaker because i believe i can and will do it, more now because of you!!! love you, you've always made a happy difference in my life:)

  3. You ROCK! Im so happy for you and your success!!!!!!!

  4. As your dear Uncle Bob would say..."Just keep moving forward!" You can do anything you set your mind to...AND YOU WILL!! Sure do love you!

  5. So when we move back to Utah (this will happen SOMEDAY!) you want to be my personal coach who drags me out of bed and makes me love to exercise?! You look great!

  6. Congratulations! You set a really tough goal and reached it. Good work, you are amazing!

  7. Anytime I feel like I want to give up, I'm gonna read your blog, What can I say Lyenna, you're awesome! You are so inspirational, I love how positive you are. Great job!!!

  8. Good Job! You look great! All you need is a little Photoshop on those stretch marks and nobody will ever know!

  9. Great post Lyen!! I love your spirit. You are a success and an inspiration to me. Love ya

  10. I'm still getting a tummy tuck... maybe a boob job too. But other than that, damn strait Lyenna!
    When I was going in the mornings with you, I was doing too much. When I got sick I realized that. Its good to push ourselves, but it can be too much sometimes. Oh well. I still look great! And so do you by the way! And I feel good.
    I've got my tunes now, so I can run on the treadmill and not be bored to tears. I like rockin out to weezer while running!
    My lungs used to just burn so bad when I was a kid and I would run. Now I don't have that problem anymore. I wonder if I had some kind of weird disease and never knew it. That may be why I have little white specks all over my lungs. It may also be why my lungs are so stinkin sensitive. Oh well. Keep on truckin! Right?! Yep!

  11. Oh yeah! I can do 9 pull ups!!! Yeah baby! Thats almost 10! You know what that means? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS, LYENNA???
    It means I'm almost half-way to my goal of 20! sniffle... I'm so happy. Realizing goals is fun. :)
