Tuesday, December 15, 2009
New Year Challenge
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Okay so I finished as of Saturday last week. Cardiovascularly, I am feeling incredible...almost as good as soccer shape. Now I told you about the first half of INSANITY, and I'm not gonna lie, it was tough, tough, tough!!! But the second half HOLY MOLY!!!
Day 1 of month 2- Fit Test plus Max Interval Circuit...WHAT THE?!!! That's 90 minutes by the way, and by the end I literally had nothing left. I left it all on the floor by the puddle of sweat.
Day 2 OOHHHH! It's only an hour, oh well... that makes everything okay then. WHATEVER PEOPLE! 90 minutes or an hour it all feels the same by the end. I don't care who you are! When they say MAX intervals, well...that means you give it everything you've got with as many as you can muster out of your exhausted body! So of course, I wouldn't disappoint myself I GAVE IT ALL!!!
By the end of the week, I was drained, completely and totally drained, but I gotta say I slept like a baby:) Or rather a teenager who could sleep til' noon...anyway. I slept great, but was very grateful for Sunday where I had an excuse to do nothing, but eat. Did I mention that my appetite has been nearly impossible to satisfy?!
I am very happy to report that each week got progressively better though. Even though I was pushing to my max, I could feel the improvement with each week...so cool to recognize and feel the change by the way.
So I am finished with the 60 day series, but I am not putting it away just yet. I have created a P90X-INSANITY hybrid (3 days a week of weights, and 3 days a week of cardio). I have missed Tony because I heart him too, and my weights. As much as I LOVE cardio, it's the weights that sculpt the muscle that burn the fat. Yes, INSANITY does do strength training, but it comes purely from your own body weight.
What a journey it has been. Keep pushing play...life is good:)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I have now had a sugar binge for the last 3 days. Now I'm talking throw-it-all-to-the-wind-who-cares-how-many-calories-it-is kind of binge. Why do I confess this? Because I have no idea what my problem is! Sugar addiction is definitely a possibility. Stress could also be a factor, or maybe it's the relentless pressure I put on myself on a regular basis. Whatever the reason, I sometimes wonder how people do it. I read things all the time about how to enjoy Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas without the guilt. Tips always include things like eat Jolly Ranchers instead of a Snickers bar. Now who in this world enjoys Jolly Ranchers over a Snickers bar...Seriously?!
Now that brings me to another topic GUILT! What is it?
- The state of having committed an offense
- Remorse caused by feeling responsible for some offense
- Guilt is a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person realizes or believes - whether justified or not - that he or she has violated a moral standard, and is responsible for that violation. It is closely related to the concept of remorse.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guilt
Remorse, I actually felt remorse for having committed a perceived offense. HA! Offense? Eating candy and treats is bad in my mind! It really is. Where in my world did this belief actually manifest itself? I go to bed disappointed in myself. I ask myself questions like: Why is it so hard for you to just not eat it? Why can't you be strong like so and so, or so and so? And then I really get harsh, You'll never look like that if you do this!!! And do you want to know what all of that creates, more guilt, and self-loathing, and then more binging. It's a vicious cycle and it's not worth it!
Now before you all get all theraputic and weird on me, I'm just making a point. I felt all those feelings, it's true. After eating mounds of candy tonight I really felt bad, and guilty, and full of remorse, especially knowing I "failed" again after I told myself I would be strong today. And then I read a story. It was a story Tanner picked for bed time. It could not have been a better pick for that moment. It was an easy read, something Tanner will probably be able to read by the end of kindergarten if not sooner, but it made a very good point. It was about a Panda bear who was happy, until he met all these other animals that told him he looked funny. So the Panda changed himself to look like each of the animals that said he looked funny. He made ears like an elephant, a tail like a lion, and a jacket like a zebra. Then he ran into another Panda and realized he was perfect just as he was. So simple, right?
The guilt comes from the gazillion advertisements about what the "perfect" body looks like. Or statements like "guilty pleasures" Why does a candy bar have to make me feel guilty? It's just a pleasure! Or it may even come from people that can do workout videos like INSANITY. I'm not gloating here, again I'm making a point...
We are all striving for OUR best. So this guilt stuff has got to stop! Be your best you. One step at a time, and one thing at a time. I will never be perfect at everything, but today I will be perfect at one thing. Today I woke up, read my scriptures, and said my morning prayers. I have not done that for an embarassingly Loonnnngggg time. But today I was perfect at it:) And it felt wonderful. By comparison my binge today means very little in the whole scheme of things. I just bet my panda looks just like yours, and I realized I am perfect just as I am...
Here's to OUR BEST life
Sunday, November 1, 2009
FUN!!! I'd do it in a heart beat:)
Young or old Life is meant to be enjoyed!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Kindergarten and Exercise
Yesterday I was heading to my workout with children in tow, just like I do every day, only this time Tanner woke up REALLY, REALLY ornery. Usually it takes him a few minutes to get over it, but not this time. He carried on and on and on and on and on about how unfair his life was, that everyone else has toys, but him. Now let me preface this with the fact that my kids are required to wake up, be fully dressed and groomed, and eat breakfast BEFORE the TV gets turned on, so when it's time for exercise we just go. Tanner decided that the rules didn't apply to him yesterday. I had to drag him through each step. And of course, I'm the meanest Mom ever because I made him turn off the TV. So instead of being prepared with toys, we had to rush out the door to be on time, and so the toys were left home. However most days he never brings toys anyway which makes his complaint completely irrational.
Well by this time we are into our workout about 15 minutes. I have a pretty good sweat on, but Tanner is STILL RANTING! Can you be done already because I really want to focus! And I really don't care that a 3 year-old wants to play with the toy he brought and doesn't want to give it to you so SERIOUSLY be QUIET!!! Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine ,whine...did I mention whine?! Okay there is only so much I can take, so I picked him up (stopping my workout which is not a good thing) and took him to the foyer. He continues to carry on about how dumb I am and that he is being treated unfairly, and blah blah blah blah! Well I ended up packing up all my things, except for my dvd's because they were in use, and stormed home. I don't usually do that, and I WON'T do it again.
All I'm asking for here is one hour for myself. That's it... ONE HOUR!! I really don't think that's a lot to ask for. The rest of my time is dedicated to what everyone else needs or wants. I need ONE hour to be a good mom. ONE hour to feel good. ONE hour to focus my mind. ONE hour to be selfish. And ONE hour to bring my athlete back. The other gazillion hours are about everyone else. So when my ONE hour gets taken it SUCKS! And I am not happy about it, and I won't pretend to be. Well Tanner and I had a phone conversation with Daddy, and I had to find a corner of the house to "lose it" in.
We have an understanding for now, but for a moment there I thought I was going insane. I have one volume and that's LOUD, and perhaps many variations of LOUD. I don't think anyone can fully understand how important exercise is to me. I just NEED it... the way I need sleep, and food. It makes me feel normal, and that can be hard to come by with children.
I am happy to report that Tanner, Keira, and Kody all woke up in good spirits today:) YAY!!! It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does happen it's a GREAT day.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Fitness Party
I am doing a Fitness Party at my house. I have wanted to do this for a while, and I seriously cannot think of why I haven't yet. Anyway, a lot of you have questions about the How To's of fitness. One of the biggest one's is "How do you stay motivated?" Well here is your chance to find out. I am addressing fitness questions and am setting you up on a path to a more fit life. I want to show you that eating healthy is very satisfying and DELICIOUS so you get to sample the foods that I've been eating. I'll be talking about Shakeology, Exercise, Good Nutrition, Supplementing your diet, and the tools I use that have assisted me along the way. There's a gift to take home to assist you on your new fitness journey, and a prize for the winner of my game!
There are two dates to choose from: Thursday, November 12 @6:30pm, and Saturday, November 21 @2:00pm. Pick the date that works for you and send me an email to fit2bhappy@beachbodycoach.com with your address, and phone number (for reminder calls) and I will get you an invitation.
I am so excited about this! Fitness, food, games, and being around people who are looking for answers just like you! I can't think of anything better:)
I look forward to hearing from you.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Enthusiasm is “emotional management,” the ability to control the emotional temperature of any personal situation.
Enthusiasm is the way you “squeeze the trigger” to other people’s emotions, they help and support you instinctively.
Enthusiasm glows… radiates.. permeates…and immediately captures everyone’s interest.
Enthusiasm is the “advance man” who paves the way for new ideas.
Maybe the enthusiasts aren’t the most cultured people in the world, but they are the only ones who make history
If you were to take my money and my other tangible assets from me but let me keep my enthusiasm, it would be but a short while before I’d be as wealthy as ever.
Enthusiasm is the producer of confidence that cries to the world “I’ve got what it takes” without you ever uttering a word of boast.
Enthusiasm helps us to compete with ourselves, to match today against yesterday.
Only with the compulsive drive of enthusiasm can we find encouragement in past mistakes.
Enthusiasm is the yeast that raises the dough.
“Enthusiasm!!” is the greatest one word slogan for living ever devised.
- Paul J. Meyer
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Week 4 of INSANITY
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Why I do what I do
Some of you may have heard of a man named Jack LaLanne. He's an American Icon for health and fitness and an inspiration to me, most people know him as the "juicer guy" but he's so much more than that. He just recently had a birthday on Saturday, September 26. He is now 95 years old and hasn't slowed down a bit:) This blog shares a few of his accomplishments. So why do I mention this man...well here's a little quote on why Jack trains the way he does which expresses almost exactly how I feel about it. "I train like I'm training for the Olympics or for a Mr. America contest, the way I've always trained my whole life. You see, life is a battlefield. Life is survival of the fittest. How many healthy people do you know? How many happy people do you know? Think about it. People work at dying, they don't work at living. My workout is my obligation to life. It's my tranquilizer. It's part of the way I tell the truth--and telling the truth is what's kept me going all these years." I want to reiterate that this man is 95 years old and shows no signs of slowing down.
So why do I do what I do?! To live my best life. It's simple really. I am in competition with myself, and frankly I like to sweat and burn. I like the sweat dripping off my face, and I LOVE feeling my muscles scream for relief. I know it sounds incredibly strange, but I truly love the way I feel after. After a hard workout I always feel...fit. And like most of the women I workout with know, I can come in pretty grumpy and leave completely happy. Exercise makes me happy. Because an angry Lyenna is not a fun person to be with:)
I am not nearly as disciplined as Jack Lalanne, but I'd like to be. I often wonder where people, like Jack, get their will-power because what I've found is it boils down to what goes on in my head. I've gotten a lot better, but it's taken a lot of practice. I don't think practicing ever stops though.
Always be better than you were the day before. Those are the words I live by.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I'm Okay
I want to first give a shout out to the people who love me. THANK YOU!!! If it were not for you and your cheering, I would be a sad sort indeed. Life is quite an adventure...
This leads me to why I'm blogging. I have been humbled today. I was thinking about all the things I have been complaining about and I realize I have brought a lot of it on myself. I have learned, in a not so pleasant way, that what I think, manifests itself because I look for it to validate why I think that way. Okay let me explain. If I feel insecure about, lets say, what I'm wearing, I automatically feel like everyone is looking at me because I am uncomfortable in what I'm wearing. Then if a comment is made, even if it is innocent in it's intent, I have a tendency to manipulate it and turn it into something much bigger than what it was because of what my thought was originally. This could be said about a lot of things in life. If you believe people don't like you, you will find reasons why you're right. I am the master at this, and it is one of the reasons why I play the role of victim so well. So I apologize. I am still a work in progress, and I'm glad for that.
Beyond all that, I am grateful for this rocky journey I am on. It is amazing to me at the timing of all of this. I feel like I am being molded and tested at a very rapid rate. I truly feel that Heavenly Father is on my side. More than that He gives me assurances and quick "hugs" of the spirit to let me know I'll be okay. And He sends angels like all of you to pick me up when I fall.
So I'm good...and who needs a psychiatrist when I have a journal that talks back:)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Interesting isn't it? The same could be said about lobsters in a bucket. There is no need to place a lid on the top of a bucket when there is more then one lobster inside. Why? Because once one makes an attempt to escape the others will drag him down. Interesting...
Haters are the people that hope to see you fail. They want to see you mess up, and if they don't they will find a way to make you feel horrible. If that doesn't work, they may find others who agree with them and then gang up on you. If that doesn't work...Well you get the picture. They do this because they are insecure about their own choices and decide this way they can feel better about themselves. Why is it that when you try to make your life better, people hate you for it? For example you make the decision to watch what you eat, let's say you refuse dessert, or you don't go back for seconds, or whatever. Suddenly you become the center of attention. "Why aren't you having dessert," they say. Your response, "I'm just watching what I eat." It's pretty direct, no fluff, no muss, very simple. They reply, "OOOOHHHH! You look fine, one little piece won't hurt you. Look how good it is. I can't believe you won't even try it. I made this just for you." And on and on and on. Then others begin to chime in. "What are you on a diet, or something? Hey Jack, Lyenna's on a diet, can you believe that. She's 27 and she's worried about what's she's eating." "Lyenna's doing what?! You don't need to do that, besides it was for you. Mary made it from scratch, you would hurt her feelings if you didn't eat it." "Lyenna, why aren't you eating the dessert. You told me it was your favorite. You always eat this." So now you have a room of people staring at you. All the attention is on you. This is not something you asked for. In fact, your response was as discreet as you could possibly make it. You stare at the dessert that has been shoved in your face. You stare at all the eyes looking at you. And you quietly take the dessert. They all watch to make sure you take a bite, and then you do. You have been dragged down... You are then sad, and begin to question yourself. Why am I doing this again? It's just too hard. What's the point anyway? Interesting isn't it...we are not so far removed from animals.
I have made some very big decisions in my life. I have also made some very big changes. I continue to press forward, despite the set backs, and believe me, they have been coming in truck loads. Thank heavens for my support system. These are people who love me for me. Who see the real value in what I'm trying to accomplish. And do not slap judgements on me because of their own insecurities.
Yes people this is a rant! My heart, as tough as a I paint it to be, has been hurt. My story above is purely hypothetical. Though I have faced those very things, it is not what fuels my anger.
People can be cruel. I am not so foolish that I can't see the underhanded slaps, the kind of comments that are meant to come across as completely innocent, when in fact, their intent is read LOUD and clear.
I have dared to climb that pole, and no amount of cold water, or hands that reach for me will bring me down. And if by chance, I fall, I will climb again, and again, and again, and again!!!! To HELL with those who don't see the value in that. Because I will have the last laugh, when I receive my prize!
I am who I am! I love what I love! Why would anyone want to take that from me? I rejoice in the successes of others. I rejoice when someone dares to make a change. Because they dared!
ANGER...is a second emotion to what is happening inside. It is a response to being hurt, and sometimes it comes out before you even realize what the first emotion was. I am angry, but I cried first. I am fiesty, but I was hurt, FIRST. Guilt, sadness, pain, whatever, ALL OF IT came FIRST!!!
Anything worth while takes work, A LOT of it! I did not get where I am today because I sat on my ass and said a prayer. I worked for it, just as I will continue to do. I pay attention to what I use to fuel my body, and I feel better than I ever have. THAT is NOT a coincidence! And that is not made up to promote anything!!! I wouldn't want it if it came easy. I don't see the value in that. I want to look back at the time and the energy I put into a "project" and be proud of the time and the energy I put into it.
The people I love, and you know who are, love me. Not because I can give them something, not because I failed and now I can be accepted, but because they just love. Purely, innocently, and real. There is no other love I want. I am not perfect and I do not claim to be. And I see nothing wrong with being proud of what I have accomplished thus far. Because, guess what, I-AM-NOT-DONE!!!! So you can come with me, or you can stay where you are and wish you were there. Either way I choose to change the world one person at a time, STARTING with me.
I am a woman and I am pissed HEAR ME ROAR!!!...LOL
Friday, September 4, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
When Dreams Become Realized
I have been working really hard for a long time, but it is only recently I have been able to put it ALL together. I realized that life is not a perfect science. It's not about depriving yourself, or overdoing, or underdoing things. If I could express what is going on inside me... Today I took a picture, not realizing what it would look like, but when I saw what I looked like I cried WITH JOY! I have been working so hard in all aspects of my life. I have started a business that has had me in tears, and has had me laughing, and excited, and crazy. I exercise because I love the way it makes me feel. I am doing this business because I know I have more to give then what I've been giving. I have made some amazing friends that I wouldn't have made without Beachbody. I think these last few weeks I have been on an emotional roller coaster. What am I trying to say? I hate when I can't get my thoughts down.
I guess what I'm saying is I love what I'm experiencing right now. This isn't necessarily about losing weight, or getting great abs, or being able to run 50 miles. Getting fit has taught me that dreams are possible. That I can do anything! That we all can do anything! That everything I've always had on a pedestal can be realized. That if I am putting my priorities in order that I am blessed. That challenges in life are so worth it even when they feel ridiculously hopeless.
I love Beachbody for giving that to me. And for showing me that anyone can do it, even me! I don't want to sound like a commercial, but I just wanted to tell you that this journey I'm on is incredible. I am making my goals happen, and so far I am thrilled with the results:)
So far my dream wall is working on me, while I'm working on it. Amazing...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
What to blog about?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Small and Simple Things
Friday, July 31, 2009
IT'S HERE!!!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Walking and Thinking
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
If you had a girl there is a whole new set of situations you never would have thought you had to prepare for. The clothes have to be skirts, the hair must be done in the way which has been instructed, with the exact comb indicated in section 3 of "How to Avoid a Major Tantrum With a 3-year-old Little Girl," and don't even think about picking out the wrong shoes! You ask yourself was I like this to my mother? Of course not, I know I was a perfect angel:) There's no way I did this!!! There is a whole new level of tantrum with little girls that could only have been written about in novels, there is no way they could be real, until you experience it first hand. Those cute little outfits you dress her in are only a cover of what can come from these mischevious monsters. Yes, yes they are sweet, but that's how they reel you in.
And then if you're lucky you have a child that just takes it in. He loves everyone, and everything, at all times. He's the reason you keep your sanity when you feel you might lose it. You see God sends us these angels at random times. And sometimes they are disguised as friends to your monsters, or they may be your actual child either way it's because He knows we have to have some kind of break or the world will crash down around us.
Yes I am a Mother, and I am grateful for it, but I have to be honest, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Had I known I may not have taken on the challenge. How grateful I am I didn't know! It doesn't matter how many sleepless nights, or how many stretch marks I have on my body, or how many tantrums I face in a day, I love my job, even when I hate my job. Yes, Mothers it is tough, but that's why God had women do it. So even on those hard days when you want to pack it in remember why you did it in the first place, and be grateful YOUR Mother did it for you!Wednesday, May 6, 2009
This is coming out this summer and I cannot wait to get it! I thought P90X was hard, but this looks literally insane. If you want to test your physical limits let me know. Visit my website at www.teambeachbody.com/fit2bhappy, or email me at fit2bhappy@beachbodycoach.com
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I'm in the car taking Tanner to school and she spots her necklace. Suddenly it must be hers at that moment and if she doesn't get it she will DIE!!!!
Keira- "I want it. I want it. I want it!"
Mom- "I'm driving Keira, I can't get it right now."
Mom- "If you don't knock it off, you will be going to your room when we get home"
Mom- "I will get it for you when we get home!"
Keira- "NO!!!!!!! I WANT MY NECKLACE!"
We arrive home. Little girl gets out of the car with no interest whatsoever in her necklace that was the source of her death 3 seconds earlier!
I'm am going out of my mind. This goes on all day! Tina, how the heck do you deal with 4 girls in your home? You should receive the medal of honor!
I've decided I am not cut out for this. My fuse is way too short, and I end up throwing an adult tantrum, it doesn't solve anything, but I really don't know what else to do.
It doesn't end there though, my house looks like it threw up! There are toys and shoes and clothes scattered about the floor, IN EVERY ROOM I might add. My laundry is folded but no where near close to being put away. Where did all these clothes come from? I mean, drawers are full and I have piles of clean clothes. Are they breading?
It's baseball season so the hubs is not around to pick up the slack, and I can't get control of myself or my kids. "Clean your room," I ask. "It's too hard, I can't do it by myself," their inevitable reply. "Do it anyway!" "NOOOO!!!! WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINE!" Can someone please tell me when the whining ends. There is nothing that gets under my skin faster than that. And how on earth do I get everything done? I am so overwhelmed I just want to sit down and sob.
There are about a million things I NEED to do, that are soooooo important (I'm dripping with sarcasm here).
>Keep the house clean
>Eat healthy, oh but also make sure your kids eat healthy too, but could you make it taste unhealthy so they will eat it, but make sure it has all vitamins, minerals, vegetables, fruits, and calcium so they can have strong bones, and teeth, and bodies.
>Don't forget to floss:)
>Exercise most days of the week, and make sure kids exercise too, make sure they don't watch too much TV, read to them, and play with them, and build their self-esteem, make sure you don't yell because that's bad, but discipline and follow through, and put them on the naughty chair, but make sure they sit there, and if they don't, keep putting them on the naughty chair until they do.
>Get organized
>Save enough money to survive on for 6 months
>Start a business because that's the only way you'll ever make REAL money!
>Don't go on vacation unless you can afford it, and not until you have 6 months of income saved!
>Get food storage
>Have family home evening
>Read scriptures together
>Pray together
>Magnify your 20 callings
>Go to the temple
>Be involved and participate in church activities
>Visiting teaching
>Get up with the children at night and be happy about it
>Sex (need I say more?)
>You're not too busy, could you do me a favor? After all you're only a stay-at-home mom
>Let's do such and such activity this day because it would be better for me!!! BECAUSE MY SCHEDULE DOESN'T MATTER!
I am human and I am tired, and I just.... I just..... I just.....Can someone just say it's okay.That everything will be okay, that I will be okay, that motherhood becomes sweet at some point? I don't love this. It's really hard to enjoy the sweet moments when they are masked by the insane ones. I want to feel normal. I want to get in the car and go without shuffling kids in and out. I want to come home and the house is clean, and the kids are in bed, and I can just be in the moment and feel completely content and satisfied.......
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Heavenly Father has been so very present in my life lately. There is nothing really significant that has happened to bring about my thoughts today, but I think that's where the tiny miracles come in. I go through life sometimes on auto pilot. I have so many goals, and so many things I want to accomplish, I have a tendency to forget where blessings come from. I have such an admiration for the family, and friends I have.
My parents have taught me the power of DREAMING. Without a dream you don't have a road to travel, or a goal to go after, and there is no dream that is too big, or too small. It is your dream go for it, it may just become a reality.
Robyn, I love reading your blogs. They are an inspiration, they make motherhood very real, and very comical, something we all need if we are going to get through this raising children business. I love your fitness tips and I'm so glad we share an eternal struggle with sugar. It's nice to know I'm not alone.
Jim, I don't know why I don't talk to you more often. You have inspired me to push through the set backs and to go after what I want. You are one of the most giving and thoughtful people I know. I know I can come to you for anything and you would do it, no questions asked.
Kelly, how you do the things you do is absolutely amazing. If you haven't read Kelly's blog I suggest you take a look. It's quite fascinating, funny, and adventurous. You were ment to be a cop I just know it, and possibly a writer, with a book entitled "The Day and the Life of Your Not So Average Cop."
To everyone I love. Thank you for being in my life! For making it worth living, and for being my inspiration. I want to tell all of you individually how great you are, it would take a while. I am so grateful for the gospel, and for this life. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father has a sense of humor, and that He knows us individually. Life is definitely ment to be enjoyed, not just endured. Was that President Hinckley who said that? I don't know. Here's to the good life:)